Since our inception in 1992, CMT Prooptiki has been working in partnership with health and social care organizations across Greece to help improve the lives of patients and carers. Our team has been involved in a wide range of services and projects, with both policy planners and service providers, including central government, health policy and research organizations, health providers and health promoter organizations. Key examples from our recent work include:


1. Strategy and policy development
Organisations responsible for the design of health & social care services are facing a tough set of challenges including: designing effective strategies and policies that can protect public health; using efficiency, quality and access as core principles; implementing changes in the National Health Systems that are sustainable and acceptable by the recipients of those changes; and working in partnership to develop integrated strategies for health & social care.
With over two decades of experience in strategy and policy development for the health & social care sector, CMT Prooptiki can help these organisations meet these requirements, by offering strategic plan development and management.
Our approach for evidence based strategy and policy development is based on three pillars:
  • I. State of the art, including current situation analysis, review of international and European trends, legislation and recommendations and identification of practices and examples from other countries etc.
  • II. Strategy and policy development, including setting of policy or strategy objectives (general and specific) and priorities, description of activities and action for implementation, stakeholder consultation, proposals and draft regulatory texts etc.
  • III. Strategy and policy monitoring, including development of the appropriate set of indicators and target values as well as description of processes and responsibilities for monitoring.

Key examples of our recent work include:
  • Example 1: National Action Plan for Public Health 2007-2013, Ministry of Health.
  • Example 2: National Action Plans for 16 diseases and public health risks 2007-2013, Ministry of Health.
  • Example 3: Cost-effectiveness studies for national action plans on 16 diseases and public health risks 2007 – 2013, Ministry of Health.
2. Organizational & business development consultancy
Sound organisational development helps health providers to unlock the true potential of their systems and resources in order to deliver high quality services.
CMT Prooptiki works through the organisational development process to identify problems, gaps and needs for services improvement. Based on the evidence produced, we work together with senior managers and key personnel to identify the right changes that will transform organisations’ services in alignment with organisational priorities, staff and patient needs.
Our step by step approach includes:
  • I. Analysis of the organisation’s current situation in terms of identity, structure, services provision, infrastructure and financial situation through site visits, questionnaires and discussions with selective staff members.
  • II. Analysis of demographic, socioeconomic, epidemiological, political, legislative and other data, in order to depict the overall external organisation’s environment.
  • III. Identification of the organisation’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats provided both from the analysis of the organisation’s situation and the external environment.
  • IV. Development of the appropriate strategy either in terms of feasibility studies, business planning, business process redesign or marketing planning and continuous organisational consultancy during the implementation phase.
  • V. Development of the appropriate criteria and procedures for the intervention’s monitoring.

Key examples of our recent work include:
  • Example 1: feasibility study for the development of a National Cancer registry at the Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • Example 2: Preliminary Feasibility study for the development and operation of a National Cancer Registry in Greece, Hellenic Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Example 3: Feasibility study for the development and operation of preventative mental health services units in Thessaly, Greece, 5th Health Prefecture of Greece.
  • Example 4: Over 15 business plans and feasibility studies for the development and operation of hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, primary healthcare units, and medical rehabilitation centers.
3. Review & evaluation
Systematic review and evaluation provides the required feedback about policies, programmes and services, and gives means to respond to today's emerging agendas around Public Health, Mental Health, social determinants and health inequalities.
CMT Prooptiki engages experts and professionals with different backgrounds, such as health professionals, managers and evaluation experts in order to a) schedule and organise reviews and evaluations; b) collect information; c) analyse data and facts; and d) provide decision support tools. Review and evaluation outcomes can be used to consider and reassess the strategic direction of a health related policy, or to support the implementation of, easily embeddable, policies in the health services providers. Our services include:
  • I. Evaluation based on three pillars: 1. policy evaluation in terms of consistency and logic, 2 implementation evaluation in terms of results and outcomes, 3. programme management evaluation in terms of management structure and management/monitoring indicators
  • II. Impact assessment in order to identify and measure the consequences of a health policy or programme and present relevant costs and benefits for an organisation or the society as a whole, provided in 6 simple stages: 1. identification of the problem, 2. specification of desired objectives, 3. development of options, 4. analysis of the social, economic and environmental impact, 5. cost benefit analysis of the selected options, 6. outline implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the intervention.

Key examples of our recent work include:
  • Example 1: Ex post evaluation of Psychargos Mental Health Reform Program 2000 – 2009).
  • Example 2: On going evaluation of Psychargos Mental Health Reform Programme from 2010 up to 2015.
  • Example 3: External evaluation study of the project “Health Professional Education in Innovative Practices and Methods through the use of ICT technologies”, National School of Public Health, Greece
  • Example 4: Cost-effectiveness studies for national action plans on 16 diseases and public health risks 2007 – 2013, Ministry of Health.
4. Health promotion
Health promotion activities are crucial for enabling people increase control of their own health and for improving public health.
At CMT Prooptiki, we cooperate with governments, professional associations and NGOs in planning and implementing public awareness and education activities with an emphasis on oral health, healthy ageing and mental health. CMT Prooptiki has wide experience in the preparation, management and implementation of health promotion programmes. Our strategy for effective health promotion and prevention of diseases programs is based on the following approach:
  • I. Creating networks with institutions, local authorities, NGOs health professionals and health services in order to support health promotion activities.
  • II. Capacity building to teachers and/or health professionals in order to plan and implement health promotion activities. This mainly include training activities in tradition forms (lectures or seminars) or e-learning, educational material, mentoring and supporting services, guidelines for health promotion programs.
  • III. Implementation of prevention programmes such as vaccination for communicable diseases, Dental Sealants for children, screening programs etc.
  • IV. Health education activities for diseases and risk factors with the use of the appropriate informative and educational material.
  • V. Dissemination and communication for public awareness. This mainly include printed informative material, social media, organisation of events, web site and internet applications, use of mass media advantages press releases, press conferences.

Key examples of our recent work include:
  • Example 1: Oral Health Promotion in 950 schools of urban and remote rural areas, Hellenic Dental Association Visit website
  • Example 2: On going Oral Health Promotion and Dental Health Recording program of the Hellenic Dental Association, funded by Colgate Palmolive Visit website
  • Example 3: Development of educational material for cardiovascular diseases and sports, Institute of Social and Preventative Medicine.
  • Example 4: Health promotion and sex education material for pupils and teachers, National School of Public Health, Greece.
5. Health informatics & research
Health research has high value to both individuals and society. It can provide important information about disease trends and risk factors, outcomes of treatment or public health interventions, processes, costs and use of health and social care. Moreover, advances in health information technology are enabling transformations in health research that can facilitate work that was not feasible in the past, leading to new insights regarding health and disease. Informatics are key to health and healthcare quality improvement, and they can facilitate research by enabling broader sharing of health data while protecting data privacy and promoting public health.
At CMT Prooptiki, health informatics & research activities are underlying forces supporting all other health and social care consulting services. They generate the necessary evidence base to deliver sound strategy and policy recommendations, effective service transformation plans and thorough reviews and evaluations of health programmes and services.
Key examples of our recent work include:
  • Example 1: “Health Map Development and Operation of Health Map of Greece”, Hellenic Centre for Disease Control and Prevention Provide short description
  • Example 2: Health systems and long-term care for older people in Europe – Modelling the INTERfaces and LINKS between prevention, rehabilitation, quality of services and informal care INTERLINKS (7th Framework Programme, Theme cooperation) Provide short description
  • Example 3: Assessing the usefulness of an E.U. ship Sanitation Program and Coordinated Action for the Control of Communicable Diseases in Cruise Ships and Ferries SHIPSAN (Public Health) Provide short description
  • Example 4: Men’s and Women’s health in Greece: health status, health services use and health determinants
  • Example 4: Pilot application of IT support systems for the improvement of clinical services, National School of Public Health, Greece. Provide short description
  • Example 5: Health, Aging and Education (HEAD), Quality of Life Program, 6th Research Framework.